
Ethic DTC Legion SCS HIC Fork

Item number 4014
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One of the most discussed brands of the last months "Ethic DTC." becomes reality.

Manufacturing facts about the Legion fork:

The Legion Fork is a fork from Ethic's beginner's line, the fork is made of 6061 forged aluminum. First the aluminium was compressed (= forged) - this increases the density of the aluminium and thus its stability - and is then machined with a CNC milling machine. By using this hard aluminium it is possible to optimize the geometry and weight of the fork as much as possible. With its 269g it is one of the lightest forks on the market! The Legion-Fork has an integrated steel spacer on each side of the wheel mount, which extends the life of the area between ball bearing and fork considerably. A bearing seat has also been integrated into this fork to make it much easier to use, especially in combination with an Integrated Deck. A fork that more than meets the price-performance ratio!


Technical facts about the Legion fork:

6061forged ALU
integral bearing seat
suitable for wheels 100 and 110 mm
integrated spacers
SCS & HIC Ready
269 grams light
Inner diameter 28.6mm