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Use the filter options and sort all PREY freestyle scooter parts according to your search request.

Check the Instagram video of the new hot top brand PREY! We at the SK-Shop are Prey brand partner. With us you will find guaranteed the best deals, and at any time all single scooter parts made by PREY!

Here you will find links and information about the new freestyle- and stuntscooter brand PREY. The brand stands for trendsetting high-performance stuntscooter parts. We are already looking forward to the next collection(s).

Black is the color of PREY. With the chiquen Clamps you bring discreet color into the game. The unpainted, raw bars round out the hefty street and shredder look. We say, "Thumps up!" Prey is well on its way to becoming our new favorite brand.


Prey freestyle scooter Parts

Prey is a new brand that is now presented by the SK-Shop throughout Europe, except in the Scandinavian countries where it comes from. The phat and fresh stuntscooter brand has inspired us from the first contact. Is it the same for you? Did you also fall in love with the hot black freestyle street scooter parts at first sight? Prey designs and manufactures next generation freestyle street scooter parts. The image is "core" oriented with a dark complexion and lots of dark colors in the mainimage.

Here at SK-Shop you can find all Prey freestyle scooter parts to build the thickest custom build street and shredder scooters yourself. We deliver the cool parts directly from our own stock and warehouse. With great pride we can call ourselves exclusive Prey brand partner. With us you order your new Prey Parts for the best possible online price! The thick bars and the ultra modern wheels will knock the socks off even at every die-hard rider. The brand Prey will make the freestyle scooter parts market happy with many new parts in the next few years.


Here you can go back to all SK-Shop premium brands, and here you will find an overview of all available stuntscooter parts to build your own custom scooter(s).