
Prey freestyle Scooter Deck TODAY 5.5 x 21.5

Item number 11541
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Prey TODAY 5.5 x 21.5 deck for all freestyle scooters. Prey wanted a light and strong deck, with strength taking precedence over lightness. Everyone wants the best of both worlds, but the most important function should take precedence. So if you're looking for the lightest deck in the world, keep looking....

So if you are looking for the lightest deck in the world, keep looking. So if you're looking for a street deck that performs every day, your search might end here, because this one is for you. The underside is completely flat and the deck ends can be replaced when worn, rather than the deck itself.

The small new Friend wing is included and you can fit almost any size wheel on the Today deck for maximum foot room. Prey has made sure that the headset bearings are 100% tight.

Also, the type of paint used here has extremely low friction, this one glides like butter, no more waxing needed! Check out the new Prey deck and the sharp state-of-the-art features.



Prey Stunt Scooter Deck TODAY Features

  •     Available sizes: 5,1/21,5 - 5,5/21,5 - 5,5/22 - 5,9/21,5 - 5,9/22
  •     Headtube: 83° / 110mm
  •     Concave: 3
  •     Wheels: 24mm or 30mm up to 125mm
  •     Material: 6061 aluminium
  •     Weight: 1795g up to 2490 gr


Here at the SK-Shop you will find a large selection of all high-quality Prey Stunt Scooter Parts, to build your own scooter!