
Blunt KOS S7 Charge Complete

Item number 12159
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The brand new Blunt KOS S7 freestyle Stuntscooter, a full load of style and high quality parts for any real rider. The Blunt brand is the reference in the field of freestyle Scooters, and its expertise in this field has led the brand to develop high-end scooters. This is the case with the KOS S7 series, which will make a splash thanks to its high-quality components and its revised design. The result: lightweight and versatile freestyle scooters that are suitable for both the street and the park. Discover now the brand new 2022'er KOS S7 collection at SK-Shop.

The Blunt Scooter KOS S7 series consists of three different models: Charge, Heist and Soul, each with its own special features. Here, the Blunt KOS S7 Charge freestyle scooter is a very versatile model that combines lightness and robustness with a super modern style. What's new about the new KOS freestyle Scooter? The signature grips, oil-slick clamp and 30mm tri-bearing wheels. The deck is also larger than the KOS S6, but still has a head tube angle of 82.5°.

The 6061-T6 aluminum Y-bull handlebar is lightweight and durable, providing unparalleled grip and control to tackle any ramp. The 6061-T6 aluminum deck also measures 510mm x 125mm and is reminiscent of the AOS V4 model in design, but retains the KOS identity and offers great scooter stability. The new Blunt Declare V2 fork is compatible with 120 mm x 30 mm diameter wheels. The Blunt Forged clamp has two 6mm aluminum bolts.

Blunt addresses the KOS S7 series, to experienced riders who are looking for the thrill.


Blunt KOS S7 Charge Specs

  • Deck: AOS V4 x KOS 6061 T6 aluminum 533mm x 130mm
    Deck angle: 82,5
    Handlebar: Y-bar Bull 650mm x 580mm aluminum 6061-T6
    Grips: Will Scott Signature 170mm nylon with metal tip
    Clamp: Blunt forged 2 bolts 6061 ALUMINUM 6mm
    Fork: Blunt Declare V2; compatible with 125mm wheels
    Compression: IHC
    Wheels: Three bearing 120mm x 30mm 86A
    Bearings: ABEC 9
    Brake: NYLON BOLT-ON 5mm
    Weight: 4 kg
    Total height: 90cm
    Total length: 73cm