Triton by Carver Prismal 32”

Item number 11080
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Now also at the famous SK-Skateshop, the cool cruising complete Triton by Carver Prismal 32". With a longer wheelbase for faster pumping and a wider stance, the Prismal has a little more length and stability for long-drawn carves. Perfectly suited for all cool and smoth riders. The SK-Skateshop is your number partner for all new Triton by Carver Surfskate completes.


Triton by Carver Prismal 32” Productdata

  • Length: 32"
  • Width: 9 3/4"
  • Wheelbase: 17 7/8"
  • Nose: 3 1/2"
  • Tail: 6 1/2"


Looking for more product details and specs on the brand new Carver / Triton Surfskate Deck? Check the specs here at SK-Skateshop:

  • Truck Option: CX
  • Truck Color Option: Raw
  • Wheels: 68MM Park Black 83A
  • Bearings: Triton Abec 7
  • Grip Tape: Triton Deck Pad
  • Hardware: Black Manganese
  • Length: 32"
  • Width: 9 3/4"
  • Wheelbase: 17 7/8"
  • Nose: 3 1/2"
  • Tail: 6 1/2"