

Item number NEW-5019
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Available in C7 or CX trucks:

The patented C7 truck is designed to recreate the feeling of gliding on the water with a surfboard, on a skateboard. With this truck no need to push with your leg on the ground, just pump to move forward and gain speed. Thanks to its stability and flexibility, it is easy to draw long curves. It's ideal for cruising and starting carving.

The CX truck is a hybrid between the truck of a surfskate and a skateboard, it takes more angle and is lighter offering more reactivity and grip to send short and powerful turns. This truck allows you to do aerial tricks with excellent landing, gain speed with control and pump to move forward like on the C7 truck thanks to its inverted axis system.

Technical Specifications of the Carver Super Surfer 32" Carver Super Surfer

  •     - Length: 32" ( 81.3 cm )
  •     - Width: 9 7/8" ( 25.1 cm)
  •     - Wheelbase: 17" ( 43.2 cm)
  •     - Nose: 4 1/2" ( 11.4 cm)
  •     - Size: 6 1/4" ( 15.9 cm)
  •     - Truck: C7 or CX
  •     - Bearings: Built-In
  •     - Wheels: 75MM ECO MAG Aqua 81A
  •     - Grip Tape: Deck Pad
  •     - Hardware: Stainless steel