
Blunt Deck AOS V5 Signature Matis Neyroud 2022

Item number 12574
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Blunt AOS V5 Signature Deck Matis Neyroud 2022 new on sale! The 2022 collection of AOS V5 signature decks finally arrives at Blunt! Blunt's greatest riders have each designed an AOS V5 deck. On SK you will find the models of Flavio Pesenti, Matis Neyroud, Jonathan Perroni, Jon Reyes, Ivan Jimenez, Will Scott and Raymond Warner. Each deck is available in two sizes: 130 x 533 or 153 x 584.

Matis takes us into his world with this deck, representing what he loves: scooters, motocross and the mountains. He offers us his deck in two sizes, including 130 mm x 533 mm: it is a fairly short deck that offers extra maneuverability.


Blunt Deck AOS V5 Signature Matis Neyroud 2022 technical specifications


    130mm x 533mm / 5.1" x 21".
    153mm x 584mm / 6" x 23".

Weight :

    1.82 kg
    2 kg

Shape: box-cut
Head tube angle: 84°