
Blunt Union IHC Aluminium Bar

Item number 4340
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Union Blunt Bar 650mm x 600mm

Blunt presents his masterpiece, a true work of art that combines know-how and technology. The Blunt brand hits hard with its absolutely incredible Union handlebars. The bar is forged and welded, which gives this ultra stylish rendering.

The Handlebar is made entirely of high-strength lightweight aluminum, extremely strong, 40% stronger than standard aluminum. The return of the handles with an angle of 3 ° will allow you a better grip of the scooter and thus deploy more force to send big tricks.
The Blunt Union handlebar is a real pro bar because of its characteristics, it will be perfect for use in Skatepark and even Street. With all these innovations, the Blunt bar can keep a very affordable price.


Features Blunt Union Bar

  • Handlebar width: 600mm
  • Handlebar height: 650mm
  • Compression system: IHC
  • Materials: Aluminum
  • Weight: 890g
  • Design: One piece
  • Handlebar outer diameter: 35mm (Oversized)
  • Internal diameter of handlebar: 28mm
  • Back handles: 3 °