
Blunt Reaper V3 freestyle Scooter Bar / black SCS / 34,9mm / 720mm x 580mm

Item number 11978
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The SK-Shop presents the new Blunt Reaper V3 Stuntscooter handlebar, in 720mm height and the lovely colour black. A new SCS trick stunt and freestyle Scooter handlebar for all enthusiastic riders.

The third version of the Reaper Scooter Bar is finally available, of course here at SK-Shop. Your Blunt brand shop on the net. This SCS bar is compatible with the IHC system and combines design and strength. The handlebar is made of aluminium with welded reinforcements, and a model from the hands of Blunt Team rider Flavio Pesenti. This new bar has a height of 720 mm and a grip return tilted by 2° to optimise use and the possibility of doing tricks.


Blunt Reaper V3 technical Data

  • Height: 720 mm
    Width: 580 mm
    Weight: 1 kg
    Material: Aluminium
    Required clamp: Oversize 34.9mm
    Compression: SCS (without Cut)