
Blunt Reaper V3 ALU IHC Bar

Item number 5979
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Bar Blunt Reaper V3 ICS / IHC

Blunt returns with his flagship model, the Reaper bar in its latest version V3. The Reaper V3 handlebar is inspired by the V2 version with the particularity of being much more resistant thanks to the quality of the aluminum used in its manufacture. The bar is made entirely of high density aluminum, which is 40% stronger than other aluminum bars. The welds at the top of the handlebars are very neat and bring a real style and character to the bar. The diameter of the handles and thicker and goes from 22mm to 23.5mm to further strengthen the handlebars.

The handlebar Blunt Reaper V3 is a real pro bar by its characteristics but keeps a very affordable price for such quality. This bar is used by many pro riders to start with Flavio Pessenti who is his signature model.

Features Bar Blunt Reaper V3:

  • Handlebar width: 580mm
  • Handlebar height: 675mm
  • Compatible compression: IHC / ICS
  • Materials: Aluminum
  • Weight: 930g
  • Deck design: One room
  • Handlebar outer diameter: 35mm (Oversized)
  • Internal diameter of handlebar: 28mm
  • Back handles: 3 °