
Ethic DTC 12 STD Nemesis Fork

Item number 4238
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The new Ethic 12 STD NEMISIS Fork is the further development of the Ethic Legion Fork that will continue to be available, the Nemisis Fork is from the outside so unbelievably stylishly modified and elaborately worked that this is reflected in the price, an absolute PROFI part of the top class. The V2 was also tuned to the limit with a CNC milling to save weight and to create a unique look.

Strength & weight were the key elements in the design of the Ethic DTC nemisis fork. The fork also comes with an integrated crown race (headset ring) and removable spacers, with a 10mm offset. The axles come with rounded screw heads to increase durability.

Technical fact's about the 12 STD Nemisis Fork :

7075 T6 forged ALU
integral bearing seat
suitable for wheels 100 and 110 mm, 120 mm, 125 mm
integrated spacers
218 grams light
10 mm offset
Weight 265 g
Colour Black
Scope of delivery: fork, adapter for regular axles