
Ethic DTC Lindworm V3 Deck

Item number 6826 - B2A1
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The new V3 Lindword Deck from Ethic DTC is another high performance deck in our range.

Stronger, wider and longer! These were the basic conditions for the development of the 3rd version of the Lindworms Deck. Although the new version offers more space, it is lighter than its predecessors. It weighs just 1.75kg. and 1.66kg. You can mount 12mm or 8mm axles with 24mm. wide wheels.

Our test conclusion for the new deck is as follows: a perfect deck for every street or park rider. We could not say it better than the words of Ethic about the deck itself: "Big toy for big boys!

Product Specifications Ethic V3 Lindworm Deck
Material: Aluminium 6061 - T6
length: 560mm or 590mm
width: 140mm
Weight: 1660gr or 1720gr
12 STD compatible
angle: 83.5°
Grip Saver
8mm axle spacer included