
Blunt Thermal SCS T-Bar

Item number 2849
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Thermal Blunt Bar 650mm x 600mm

Blunt presents the Thermal Handlebar, a T-bar cut for the street and all the practices relative to the flat. A superb bar with a clean and solid look to attack big spots.

The Blunt Thermal is made entirely of Chromo Steel, which offers high impact resistance. The set is carefully welded to make only one piece of steel. The Blunt Thermal T-bar is mounted in SCS type compression system and does not have a clamping slot, however it is possible to make one yourself or by a professional.

The Blunt Thermal handlebar is a true pro bar because of its characteristics, it will be perfect for Street use and keep a very affordable price.


Features Blunt Thermal Bar

  • Handlebar width: 600mm
  • Handlebar height: 650mm
  • Compression system: SCS
  • Materials: Steel
  • Weight: 1260g
  • Deck design: One room
  • Handlebar outer diameter: 32mm
  • Internal diameter of handlebar: 28mm