
Blunt Reaper V2 ALU IHC Bar

Item number 9908
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Bar Blunt Reaper V2

This Blunt Reaper Bar V2 is the pro model of the Flavio Pesenti rider. The bar is made of one piece with welded reinforcement, all in aluminum which makes it light and resistant. Its outer diameter being Oversized but its standard inner diameter provides an alloy reinforcement for even more strength. It is best suited for IHC compression systems. The return of the handles of 3 ° brings a better grip and allows to release more force to send tricks.


The handlebar Blunt Reaper V2 is a real pro bar by its characteristics but keeps a very affordable price. The model is available in 650mm and 600mm height to fit the rider's template.


Features Bar Blunt Reaper V2

  • Handlebar width: 580mm
  • Handlebar height: 600mm / 650mm
  • Compatible compression: IHC
  • Materials: Aluminum
  • Weight: 860g
  • Deck design: One room
  • Handlebar outer diameter: 35mm (Oversized)
  • Internal diameter of handlebar: 28mm
  • Back handles: 3 °