
Ethic DTC Deck Erawan V2 540mm

Item number 12503
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Ethic DTC Erawan V2 Deck 500mm now available throughout Europe, here at your number 1 freestyle Scooter Shop on the net. The Ethic Erawan V2 deck has been released 6 years after the V1, which underlines the reliability of this model.

It is now available in two sizes, one length is shorter than before and another longer to fit most people, and it has also become wider. It is now compatible with 120mm wheels (V2 Switch 110 or 120mm brake), is 14% stronger in extrusion and has a 5% better weight to size ratio.

This deck will also last a very long time, which is proof of the improvement of a perfection.


Ethic DTC Deck Erawan V2 540mm technical Data

  • weight (g): 1345
    Length of the deck: 540 mm
    Width of the deck: 120 mm
    Angle: 82.5
    Grip included
    Diameter wheel: 120 mm
    Width of the wheel: 24 mm


Compatible with: Erawan V1 deck axle, only nylon V2 8 STD brakes.