
Ethic DTC Wheel 12 STD Incube V2 / 115mm (1x pc)

Item number 12563 - B2C1
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Ethic DTC 12 STD Incube V2 freestyle Scooter replacement wheel in size 115mm. Ethic has renewed its iconic INCUBE model with a version in 12 STD to offer optimal and smooth riding comfort. The new 115mm INCUBE V2 wheel has been specifically designed to carry more weight, making these wheels suitable for both young riders and larger riders.

The look has been revised to achieve a more dynamic style with non-symmetrical shapes. It's the perfect blend of durability and responsiveness.

For compatibility, make sure you have a deck and fork that accept 12 STD.

Ethic DTC Wheel 12 STD Incube V2 115mm technical Data

  • Diameter: 115 mm
    Width: 30 mm
    Material: aluminium 6061
    Hardness of rubber: 88A
    Weight: 289 g
    Sold individually per piece incl. bearing


Ethic DTC Productvideo