
Triton by Carver Astral 29”

Item number 11077
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The Astral is a small fish-tailed surf skateboard that is easy to throw around by anybody in any turn. It is the perfect little driveway snapper for riders who want a modern board that is super easy to pump and to carve. Discover now the unique Triton by Carver Astral 29" at SK-Skateshop for an small internet price!


Triton by Carver Astral 29” Productdata

  • L: 29"
  • W: 9 3/4"
  • Wheelbase: 15 1/4"
  • Nose: 3 1/2"
  • Tail: 6 1/4"


  • Truck Option: CX
  • Truck Color Option: Raw
  • Wheels: 68MM Park Black 83A
  • Bearings: Triton Abec 7
  • Grip Tape: Triton Deck Pad
  • Hardware: Black Manganese
  • Länge: 29"
  • Breite: 9 3/4"
  • Wheelbase: 15 1/4"
  • Nose: 3 1/2"
  • Tail: 6 1/4"