Fasen Scooter

Fasen Bullet iHC Fork

Item number 4288
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The latest innovation in the fork sector of bevel scooters, the bevel BULLET Stunt Scooter Fork iHC fork. This fork has a very unique character and looks a lot like a cartridge. The new design makes the fork very slim and light! The additional cut outs round off the fork and save weight. In terms of stability, this lightweight fork is currently hard to beat and meets the highest quality standards of any Pro Scooter Rider. The fork has been developed with the complete Blunt Top Rider and has been tested with the highest requirements. Thanks to the Cold Forged process the Stunt Scooter Fork has been brought to the highest limit and is almost comparable to an aluminium fork.  Ideal for park or street riders!


Spec's for the Chamfer Bullet Fork iHC

6061-T6 Aluminium cold Forged
one piece design cold forged
Standard 10 mm offset
suitable for 100 / 110 / 120 and 125 wheels
integrated crown race
is supplied with a high quality front axle
Latest iHC with a highly resilient bolt
Compatible with all complete scooters (integrated decks)