
Ethic DTC Pandemonium Deck

Item number 2886
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Deck Ethic DTC Pandemonium

Ethic DTC presents his deck Pandemonium with a name to shudder and is justified by the characteristics of the plateau. The Pandemonium deck is made entirely of 6082-T6 ultra-strong and lightweight aluminum, distributing the pressure points evenly throughout the deck to prevent cracking. The 83 ° angle headTube is forged from aluminum to ensure high impact resistance.


The Pandemonium deck is available in 3 different sizes: 490mm, 530mm, 570mm to better match your style and your expectations. The Ethic DTC Pandemonium board is a real high-end deck, usable in Street and Skatepark.


Features of the Ethic DTC Pandemonium

  • Width of the deck: 113mm / 120mm
  • Deck length: 490mm / 530mm / 570mm
  • Headtube angle: 83 °
  • Materials: Aluminum 6082-T6
  • Weight: 1260g
  • Headset: Integrated 1 1/8 "
  • Wheel diameter: 100mm, 110mm, 120mm
  • Deck Spacers: Included
  • Brake Type: Flex Nylon (included)
  • Axis: Included