
Ethic DTC Deck Vulcain V2 540mm Boxed

Item number 12489
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Ethic DTC Vulcain V2 Deck 580mm Boxed at your favorite Stunt Scooter Shop. The Ethic Vulcain V2 Deck is thanks to its responsiveness a perfect compromise between street and park in 12STD.

It is so to speak the all-rounder among the 12STD decks. Available in classic or boxed. Its sizes have been corrected upwards (length and width). The angle is increased from 83 to 83.5°, the extrusion is 8% more stable and the size to weight ratio is 8% lighter. It also includes the new 12std V3 brake with the 115/125mm switch and the lighter and stronger V2 axles.

The Vulcain is further perfected, also noteworthy are the Font Ends Boxed.


Ethic DTC Deck Vulcain V2 540mm Boxed Mainspecs

  • Colors: black or raw.
    Compatible with 12 std or 8 std.
    Sizes: 540mm or 580mm
    Comes with a griptape
    540mm: 1470g / 580mm: 1560g
    Compatible with: V2 12STD axles: without pegs: 67mm, 1 peg: 75mm, 2 pegs: 83mm.
    Compatible with V3 12STD brakes and 12STD Brakeless.
    Compatible spacers for 8mm axles are included.