
Ethic DTC Deck Lindworm V4 540mm

Item number 12494
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Check this, the Ethic DTC Lindworm V4 Freestyle Scooter Deck in 540mm at an extra low internet price at SK-Shop! The Ethic Lindworm V4 Freestyle Scooter Deck is the ultimate street deck. It has already proven itself, but is constantly being developed further. The model in 160mm width is available in 560mm, 580mm or 600mm at SK-Shop.

The novelties of the V4? Forged head tube, improved deck ends made of 7075-T6, new V3 brake with 115/125mm switch and more space for the feet.

The new Ethic DTC Stunt Scooter Deck is 9% stronger at the extrusion and improved head tube, 8% lighter compared to their size and new 12STD axle that is 25% lighter and stronger. In this new version, the emphasis has been placed on strength and durability. ETHIC Lindworm V4 deck has not rested on its achievements, but has received a whole series of improvements.


Ethic DTC Lindworm V4 Deck 540mm Specs

  • Width of the deck: 15 mm 
    Length of the deck: 540 mm 
    Angle of the head tube: 83,5°.
    Weight: 1.82 kg
    Design of the deck: Box-Cut
    Deck bracing: Incl.
    Brake type: Flex Nylon (incl.)
    Grip included
    Available in 560mm,580mm and in 600mm