Loaded complete Icarus W/ Kegels and Nipples Flex 1

Item number 4640
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the Loaded complete Icarus (Flex 1 / 75-115+kg) is much more than just a regular Carver longboard. It is a very high quality drop through board with extra flex and a unique shape. It is just the right longboard for pumping and carving. the Icarus from Loaded is made for more than just regular cruising. It was born to "race and fly". the Icarus complete Longboard comes with high quality Orangatang nipple bushings and Orangatang cone wheels.  In combination with the hq Paris axles this complete longboard is the ultimate among all carving boards of this generation. Loaded made their first move with flexible drop thru boards with the Dervish in 2007 and the Tan Tien in 2010. Loaded has returned to their carving roots and is now using much of what they have learned over the last few years on their freeride boards, downhill boards and snowboards. Combined with wheel flares, cork and a balanced flex pattern, the Icarus is a real milestone in the product development of charming carving.   very strong Flexthe vertical coated bamboo and fiberglass construction with a camber profile and alternating concave provides a lively and super comfortable ride. the cork floor helps to dampen all vibrations without losing the liveliness. extra user friendlythe drop through mounting of the axles positions the board closer to the ground, which faCIlitates effiCIent pushing and greatly improves stability. Light weight and compact size make the Icarus intuitive and very user-friendly. Also for daily use! well shaped turnsthe right corners in the right place improve the rider ergonomics, which contributes to a responsive and high-performance ride. the wide wheel arches are just right for large wheels, improving cornering and control. Variable Concave provides a consistent flex pattern while supporting different riding styles depending on foot position. practical tail kicksMinimal nose and tail kicks help to navigate through the CIty and open the door for endless longboard freestyle tricks. Various flex options     Flex 1: 170-250+lbs / 75-115+kg    Flex 2: 75-200+lbs / 35-90+kg You order here the LOADED COMPLETE ICARUS W/ KEGELS AND NIPPLES in the FLEX 1 version. the delivery is free of charge for you and if you wish, we will be happy to advise you on your next purchase here in the SK-Shop. You can reach us on working days by phone and e-mail.