Paris Truck Rkp V3 180mm 43 Polished (per piece)

Item number 11093
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Paris Truck Rkp V3 165mm 43 Polished (1 x piece) now brand new at your number skate store! The SK Shop is Paris brand partner Europe!

Paris Truck V3 trucks are available in 150mm, 165mm and 180mm in many different finishes (per piece) here at the SK Skate Shop. We have all the high quality longboard parts in stock so you can build your own mega thick skateboard setup, just the way you want it. Check out the Paris Trucks specs here. The great Paris Trucks brand has spared no expense in producing the ultra-hot Paris Truck V3. Inspired by the incredible evolution of longboarding in recent years, they have pushed all boundaries of the manufacturing process to deliver the most advanced molded longboard truck the world has ever seen. We are very excited to introduce the Paris Truck V3 trucks!

- HIGH QUALITY MANUFACTURING PROCESS - Manufactured using the new patented alloy forming process. The Paris V3 truck uses techniques from casting, forging and extrusion to create a molecular structure that is far stronger than any other cast truck on the market.

- DURABLE CONSTRUCTION - The all-new manufacturing process allows Paris Trucks to use a true T6 heat treatment that provides even more strength and durability, putting the V3 in a class of its own.

- REINFORCED AND STRENGTHENED CONSTRUCTION - Widening the suspension shoulders, increasing the diameter of the suspension drum and reinforcing the base plate carrier further increase overall strength and integrity.

- ULTIMATE RESPONSE - For improved responsiveness and rebound, the Paris V3s feature a redesigned upper taper bushing and hand-cast urethane pivot cups that provide ultra-smooth cornering and a whole new feel.




Specifications Paris Truck Rkp V3 180mm 43 Polished

  •     Exclusive alloy forming process
  •     Real T6 heat treatment
  •     Stronger and redesigned suspension
  •     Alloy steel SCM440 axles
  •     Improved 90a urethane bushing formulation
  •     Redesigned conical bushing shape
  •     Reinforced and lighter base plate
  •     Redesigned SCM435 alloy steel pins
  •     Hand cast 96a urethane swivel cups
  •     Matches the bearing height of our 43° baseplates
  •     50° baseplate marking symbols
  •     Sold per piece