
Ethic DTC Complete Erawan V2 - M

Item number 14338
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Ethic DTC Complete V2 Artifact

The Ethic Artifact V2 is without a doubt one of the lightest scooters on the market. The wheels are larger and wider than the V1 version, 110mm x 26mm hardness 88A and are therefore much more durable. Ideal for any type of terrain such as street or skatepark.


This full freestyle scooter uses ICS compression, which is the lightest compression system (compression star already in the handlebars), compatible with the 31.8mm T-bar. The 6061-T6 Aluminum Deck is now longer and wider and so much more comfortable. Although its weight is only 3.36 kg, this freestyle scooter is very stable and can withstand significant shocks without problems. The Dynasty V2 handlebar in 4130 Chromoly Steel is extremely lightweight with dimensions of 620mm x 540mm, a size that suits the majority of riders.


If you're looking for a high-quality scooter and always light weight, you're in the right place with the complete Ethic Artifact V2.


Features of the Ethic DTC Artefact V2

  • Deck: Artifact V2 | 540mm x 116mm Aluminum 6061-T6
  • Headtube: 82.5 °
  • Handlebar: Dynasty 620mm x 520mm Aluminum 6061-T6
  • Handgrips: TPR 160mm nylon
  • Clamp: Ethic V2 2 screws
  • Fork: Ethic DTC Legion
  • Wheels: Wheels 110mm
  • Bearings: ABEC 9
  • Brake: Flex Fender
  • Weight: 3.3 kg
  • Total height: 85 cm