
Blunt Peg Street

Item number 7860 - B1B4
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Blunt produces a very powerful and robust peg. Available in 2 sizes (for front and back) and 2 colours: black and black with chome. To make sure that they are strong, Blunt made the base of the peg from aluminium, and the outer shell of it from chromoly steel, so that the smothe grinden is no problem. A real innovation that you can only find here at our number 1 Brand Blunt.

Please note that the price is for 1 peg and does NOT include an axle. Axles are available separately in our offer.



  • Chromoly Outer
  • Aluminium Inner
  • 48mm Lang
  • 35mm Breit


  • Chromoly Outer
  • Aluminium Inner
  • 60mm Lang
  • 35mm Breit