
Blunt Prodigy X Teal Complete

Artikelnummer 14991
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Here is the brand new 2023 version of the Prodigy Series X.

Once again this year, the PRODIGY X scooter improves with notably professional high-quality components. This series has the most improvements to date and uses a new advanced deck technology, improved grip tape, a Z clamp, a Low Stack headset, and new Sector wheels.

The classic Prodigy X range from Blunt is designed for intermediate to advanced level riders looking to take their riding to the next level.

The Prodigy X is the tenth series in the PRODIGY range, built on 9 generations and 12 years of complete professional level scooters.

Some of the classics from the Prodigy range have been retained: the lightweight aluminum Reaper V2 handlebar, the durable TPR soft grips, and the strong Diamond IHC fork.

The rest of the scooter has been redesigned with some major upgrades.
For the X series, a completely new manufacturing process has been developed for the deck, Extech extrusion. This extrusion has a lower profile, wider internal walls, with a very responsive concave. The Prodigy X's steering tube has also been redesigned, increasing contact with the deck, with a diamond cutout and an aerodynamic profile. The Prodigy X deck is now wider than previous models, 5" W x 19.5" L. All of these features combine to reduce the total weight and maintain strength.

In addition to the new deck, other parts have been improved.

A grip with a higher grain count for more grip and durability. New nylon bar ends and nylon V2 braking system to fit our new extrusion. A LOW stack headset compression cap, redesigned to seamlessly integrate and streamline with our IHC compression system. An oversized 'Z' clamp and refined 2-bolt with 6mm bolts that perfectly blend with our bar, fork, and compression system.
All rolling on the SECTOR 120mm x 26mm PU 86A wheels with increased PU width to help core protection and a smoother ride.

The complete scooter has a reduced weight of 3.265kg/7.2 lbs.

The Prodigy legacy endures by advocating quality and performance.


Available in 5 colors made of durable and high-quality finishes.


Technical Specifications:

- Total weight: 3.265kg/7.2 lbs
- Foot space: 345mm
- Total height: 865mm
- Total length: 690mm
- Handlebar height: 620mm
- Handlebar width: 560mm (including ends)
- Deck length: 19.5"
- Deck width: 5
- Clamp: Z Clamp Oversized 2 Bolt 6mm
- Fork: Diamond IHC Fork
- Compression: IHC
- Headset: Low Stack Compression Cap
- Grips: TPR 160mm
- Steering tube angle: 83.5
- Wheel size: 120mm x 26mm PU